How to be fluent in English speaking

English is only just a language, not a class to define individuals but, but Good in communication can help you in your carrier growth, can help you to achieve dream and most important thing is that if you want to visit some other English spoken country, than it is very important for you to learn communication art.

                   To be fluent in English  is not a matter of just one day, one week or one month, its a hardwork, patience, consistency, focus and most important thing is seriousness i.e how much serious you are towards your goal/targets?

So today, I'm here to provide you few basic and most important tips to improve speaking.

  • Learn some Basic, do remember only Basic grammar rules and right it down.

Study grammar thoroughly is wrong way towards your goal, just learn some basic rule and write it down like Tenses, active/passive, notations..etc.
              Practice to make new sentences with this those basic grammar rule, and keep practice.

  • Try to think in English only.

wherever you are, always try to think in English only and the best part of this activity is no one come in your mind and tell your that you are wrong here, you use wrong grammar like that. So its only you in your mind ,keep thinking in English only, this thing will help you to be used to with English language and help you to speak English in front of anyone without converting any sentences from your native to English language.

  •   Watch movies and English shows in English Language only with subtitle.

Watch Hollywood movies and shows in English language only with subtitle in initial days of your practice, after few days try to skip subtitle and start focusing on listening. This things will help you out to be a good listener as well because you are trying to be master in all aspects, not speaking only but listening as well.

  • Learn phrases

  Learn phrases not only just word because phrases help you to sound more native and confident and it make your sentences beautiful as well.

  • Be calm ,be Patience.

Stay calm and keep practicing , consistency is most important thing and you will be master in English communication  but do remember keep practice daily , spend few time daily. 
If you will spend 3 hours a day and skip all the day, you will not get fluent ,so whether you spend only half an hour but daily, than you will get you result.

All the Best!!!
