Education system in India

History of Indian Education System

The history of Indian education has its roots to the ancient ages, a system where the students resided in the house of their teacher until the teacher felt that he has imparted all that he could. The subjects taught varied from Sanskrit to Scriptures to Mathematics to Metaphysics and the knowledge attained would be passed on to the future generations.

Education system has been changed on British era

 However, this system was changed during the Colonial era when the British set up East India Company in India in 19th century. British had put systems in our environment to follow orders only. They hired the clerks from India in 19th century and taught them how to follow instructions, order without putting any ideas. Means they taught us to do jobs...only jobs...made us always be servant.

India has worst education system throughout the world

India has a  worst education system in India. Because we all are indulge being after the jobs, no one thinks creative, out of the box, something different. we need to focus on our skills, we need to follow our passions, whatever others says, we don't listen to anyone , we have to focus on ourselves.
Indian education system is the worst, due to lack of creative thinking and understanding clear topics. I have seen many students who don't really know what they are learning but in any means bother only about their grade and marks. So,people don't question their knowledge. All are least bothered about the knowledge, they are more worried about which college they get, what course they get, and which "company" they get into, last but not least how much will be their annual income. All are society's puppets (it includes the people who is reading this and definitely for those people who clicked "yes" you know what your now). No wonder innovation and progress stopped in india.

What we need to be avoided by surroundings. 

Well its just Pressurizing

Students are pressurized again and again either by their parents or school teachers or even friends to score good marks rather than to be conceptual. Students just learn the whole book (truthfully) but they don't know what does that mean. It must be changed to much more of conceptual to that of pressurizing.


Lack of understanding of concept

The main concern of the students in India is to get through the schools with good grades. They MEMORIZE everything and just vomit it in the exam hall. They don't even bother to understand the concepts that they learn. They forget what they read the previous year. If this is going to continue, there would be lack of good employees who are also technically sound. SOMETHING SHOULD BE DONE IN THIS REGARD. The youths of India have more potential and this potential should be given importance.

Try to get improved and focus on excellence.
one of the Best dialogue from movie 3 Idiot;
Stop being after the success, Run after the Excellence .....success will follow you Automatically.
and its true.

All the best!!!
